Friday, August 10, 2007


I am the great great spittunni (and the spits of the universe)

I spit everywhere ... I live in mumbai

Spitting gives me the high
I like to spit through the window of a running bus.
The thrill...
The wind...
Everything makes my spitting experience a worth while.

I chew pan and I like to create artworks at the bus stop
My ode to my fellow spitters is to spit and spit till mumbai becomes a spit land
that is red with our spits!!!

Have yu tried spitting from a local train
MAN..... if u have not then u have lost entire excitement of the spitting phenomenon

I like to spit on the road
on the walls
on the railings

I leave my mark everywhere...

JOIN THE SPIT FORCE...lets spit till we die !!!


K Arun Kumar said...

Hmm . . .

It seems like you're terribly disturbed by the Mumbaikers' culture of spitting whenever and wherever they like. Also seems like you have noted it so keenly that your expressions are so realistic.

One thing I don't understand is how come you manage to note so accurately even things that are awful.

woman undercover ;) said... too disturbed with such spitunnis. One thing what I have noticed that people make huge hue and cry abt the dirt in mumbai. But they litter on roads, spit everywhere, throw plastics and ruin this city. I am a huge observer of people. Spitting is more worse in kerala. Here at least the people target the corners and spit :D. In kerala, the middle of the road is the garbage. I still remmeber my mom reminding to look down and walk so that I wont step on some spit. Here I find more shit than spit - terrible :o