Friday, February 19, 2010

Sarah - updates

Sarah has been really really good to me - I hardly lost my temper nor did I get stressed because of her antics - she has been a calm baby who smiled to everyone and slept a lot till five months.

After she started turning on her tummy, she would still be calm and playful - Surprisingly, she never needed company nor did she scream her lungs out when she was not picked. She started sitting, crawling and walking in her 8-9 months. The transition was very fast and soon she became a curious pie who was toddling around to see the new things and hear the new sounds.

Today she picks a new word or two every day. She eats solid food. She loves apples and also junk - guess what she was clinging on to the french fries from McDonald. She adores Pappa. Today we started reading story books - she was very much fascinated with the beautiful illustrations.

And she loves the TV remote!

Thus far, Sarah has been the best part of my life!

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